
Financial Disclosures

Any case involving child support, spousal support, division of assets, or a request for attorneys fees will require that you disclose your financial situation to the court.  When filling out these forms, it is important to always be honest and thorough.  All documents are signed under penalty of perjury, and require the utmost care in completing them.

Income and Expense Declaration

The most commonly used financial document in family court is the Income and Expense Declaration (FL-150).  This form details how much you make and spend on a monthly and yearly basis, and is used to calculate how much support you owe or are owed.  The information on a FL-150 is often used to calculate child and spousal support.  This form is used for marital and non-marital family proceedings, and is always filed with the courts.

Schedule of Assets and Debts

The Schedule of Assets and Debts (FL-142) form is used to determine how property is divided between each party.  It is important to list items even if you believe they are your “separate” property, and that the opposing party has no claim to the item.  When filling out this form, be as thorough as possible, including the last 4 digits of any account numbers.  This form does not get filed with the courts.